+9821 57416066
+9821 57416067


Preclinical micro-CT scanner for small animal imaging, dental, bone and biomedical studies

A user-friendly device for qualitative and quantitative pre-clinical studies



  • 45-90 kV range
  • Various mechanical filters to achieve optimized protocol and image quality
  • Variable magnification with the smallest pixel size of  10 microns
  • Continuous imaging with the shortest scanning cycle of 1 minute
  • 2D & 3D reconstruction and visualization
  • 2D & 3D Surface and Volume Renderings (SR & VR) with realistic visualization
  • 2D & 3D sub-micron measurements
  • GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) software package

LOTUS-inVivo provides extremely high-quality images with contrast-to-noise ratio, resolution and dose performance optimized for pre-clinical imaging. LOTUS-inVivo is a high-performance, stand-alone, and fast in-vivo and ex-vivo micro-CT. Large imaging field of view and changeable magnification allows for full-object scanning of samples with a high spatial resolution and the smallest pixel size of 10 µm.

Extensive X-ray energy combined with optional filters ensures optimum image quality for diverse research applications from soft tissue imaging to bone and dental studies.

LOTUS-inVivo is a rotating gantry system meaning the X-ray source and detector are rotating while the object remains stationary.


X-ray source micro-focus X-ray source, 45-90 kV 
X-ray detector 3 Megapixels 16-bit digital X-ray Detector, 2×2 binning modes
Scanning space 80 mm in diameter, 200 mm in length
Spatial resolution up to 10 microns
Reconstruction volume up to 4096x4096x1300 pixels 
Radiation safety Shielded room is required

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