The internal structure of a tablet or any other solid dosage drug and even the parts used in the packaging, including sprays, can be observed without destroying the sample by X-ray computed tomography (CT).
The internal structure of a tablet or any other solid dosage drug and even the parts used in the packaging, including sprays, can be observed without destroying the sample by X-ray computed tomography (CT). In some cases, in addition to the need for a non-destructive observation method, there is a need to observe micron-sized details; in these cases, the resolution of the CT imaging is not enough, and X-ray micro-computed tomography is an alternative. This method has many applications in pharmaceutics development:
Matin Behin Negareh Imaging Technology Company, relying on the knowledge, experience and expertise of local experts, has developed a technology infrastructure for micro-CT imaging equipment for the first time.
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