The 11th exhibition of “Iran-Made Equipment, Laboratory Materials, and Advanced Testing (IRANLABEXPO)” was held.

Behin Negareh, a national producer of advanced X-ray imaging equipment and a knowledge-based technology company, cordially welcomed visitors at booth 32 of the Persian Gulf (Khalij Fars) hall.

The 11th exhibition of Equipment, Laboratory Materials, and Advanced Testing (IRANLABEXPO) was held from January 2 to 5, 2023, at the permanent site for international exhibitions in Tehran. There were 14 thematic sectors to showcase Iran-made technological services and products, such as Oil and Petrochemicals, Mechanics, Agriculture and Environment, General Laboratory Equipment, Medical engineering and Biomaterial, Calibration services, and so on.

Behin Negareh, a national producer of advanced X-ray imaging equipment and a knowledge-based technology company, cordially welcomed visitors at booth 32 of the Persian Gulf (Khalij Fars) hall.

During this exhibition, Behin Negareh hosted noteworthy guests from various fields of research and industry, including the Vice president of the Program and Budget Organization, Director of the Food and Drug Organization, Directors of Research and Technology from different government and private organizations, including the Oil company, the vice president of Knowledge-based Economy Development, managers of some renowned companies in the field of medical equipment, such as TrustMed, as well as faculty members of the Tehran, Sharif, Baqiyatollah and Gilan university, Tehran and Gilan universities of medical sciences, and other universities.

It is pertinent to note that this event had foreign visitors from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and India.

IRANLABEXPO was covered by the exhibition news staff as well as several reporters from ISNA, Mehr, Borna, Russia Today, and many others.

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